all them things are connected! your violence… to mine… my gender role’s to theirs… as my gender… roles… under him… crawls… next to hers… all… over… the place… what place? the place! where i call home! where you lord my land… where i give birth… to a slave… to a soldier… to a cop! where …

politics lays its white gloves on the bedside table, unbuttons its embroidered uniform and crawls next to us in our beds, in all the beds we have ever been, with its slimy body, with its cold hands… with the roles we take, or we break, with the spaces that we lay into, the ones we …

im tired sister… im tired my dear… im too tired my baby… feeling lonely… where ever i go… in every room… lunch at work… talking money… measuring their dicks… metaphorically… thankfully! out with friends… only they are the real deal… walking in the streets… one out of two passing by voted for nazis*… the others …


For a long time i wanted to have a personal dashboard where i can track things i do, my mood, have some sort of journal, a todo list and some other things. i couldn’t find anything online that would fit my need. Also i liked to have it under my own control, not on someone’s …