I was a T.A. in Digital System Modeling and Synthesis course and was helping in the labs. That year we changed a lot of things in the labs (for example we added a CPU lab. see my post here!). We were developing the labs during the summer for the autumn course. One day I asked …
Ver I: Hand Shaking Router Two years ago, I started designing a router for a Network on Chip infrastructure. The work belonged to a project called Bonfire (you can find the link to the project here). Anyways, we had this router designed by one of my colleagues but it didn’t have any flow-control. So I …
Some time ago I made (in VHDL) a rather stupid processor with very limited instruction set which I called pico-CPU. You can find it under pico_CPU folder in pico-CPU repository on github. The point back then was to make something for a course ( the course was called Digital Systems Modeling and Synthesis). Later on i started …